Byrne Ó Cléirigh has been advising industry with respect to COMAH compliance for almost thirty years - we prepared the very first COMAH safety case in Ireland under the original Seveso directive in the late 1980s.
Our high-quality submissions are underpinned by rigorous analysis and are well-respected by competent authorities.
We provide a full suite of COMAH services. We help operators demonstrate that they have all necessary measures in place to protect against major accident hazards. We also assist them in liaising with competent authorities and with the public, to ensure that appropriate measures are in place off-site to further protect against these hazards.
Our services include:
- Inventory assessments
- Notifications to competent authorities
- Major accident prevention policies (MAPP)
- Safety management systems (SMS)
- Management of change
- Hazard identification & risk assessment (HAZID&RA)
- Layers of protection analysis (LOPA)
- Quantitative risk assessment (QRA)
- Consequence modelling
- Safety reports
- Emergency planning and emergency exercises
- Domino effects
- Fire safety at hazardous installations
- Auditing
- Land use planning
- Information to the public
- Safety critical equipment
- Facility siting studies & occupied building risk assessments
- Process safety key performance indicators (KPIs)
- Risk assessments of major accidents to the environment (MATTE)
- Liaising with regulators & competent authorities
- Training
Our website includes case study examples of our work on COMAH / Seveso assignments, as well as several in-depth articles exploring important aspects of this field.