Professional development is key to Byrne Ó Cléirigh's strategy: we look to attract, retain and develop high-calibre individuals who are committed to lifelong learning. Competence and talent development are paramount for enabling our team to continuously develop and hone the skills and expertise necessary to deliver strategically valuable solutions for our clients.
Our policy is to develop all employees in order to maximise their contributions to the achievement of our strategic goals. Our continuing professional development (CPD) programme is accredited by Engineers Ireland against its rigorous national standard. Recent reviews by Engineer's Ireland concluded that:
'Senior management are wholly committed to continuous improvement with the aim of sustaining this vibrant learning environment.''CPD clearly underpins strategy for the company with its ability to develop and generate income intrinsically linked to its ability to develop the team.''Byrne Ó Cléirigh must be congratulated on its commitment to promote, embed and support CPD at all levels of the company.''The focus and commitment displayed by the partners in raising awareness and commitment to CPD at all levels of the organisation is tangible.'‘Byrne Ó Cléirigh is a textbook example of good practice in the way it encourages and fosters the achievement of internationally recognised professional status among its staff.’
'All the signs are that the organisation has excellent, appropriate CPD systems that are very well integrated with the business and serve it very well.'