The Minister for Communications, Energy & Natural Resources, Mr Alex White TD, has launched the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland's (SEAI's) latest annual report on public sector energy performance. The report is based on analysis undertaken by Byrne Ó Cléirigh. Highlights include:
- The public sector consumed about 10,500 GWh of primary energy in 2014, 87% of which was consumed by 281 public bodies and 977 schools that submitted consumption data to SEAI through its monitoring & reporting system.
- Just over half of this consumption was electricity, with thermal and transport consumption accounting for about a quarter each.
- Over 70% of transport consumption was in the commercial state sector, which includes the state-owned transport companies.
- Over one third of electricity consumption was by local authorities and Irish Water. Water services and public lighting accounted for almost four fifths of this.
- Health accounted for 44% of thermal energy consumption, including 39% of natural gas consumption.
- Altogether, the public sector energy spend was approximately €600 million in 2014.
- The sector has improved its energy performance by 17% and is approximately half way to meeting its 33%-by-2020 energy efficiency target, which is one of several energy targets that Ireland is seeking to achieve by 2020.
- Of the 281 public bodies that reported data to SEAI, 235 have improved their performance since their baselines and just over half are 'on track' to meet their 33% target.
The report summarises data that has been submitted through SEAI's public sector energy monitoring & reporting system (M&R). Byrne Ó Cléirigh played a lead role in the development of this system and continues to work closely with SEAI on its implementation and ongoing development.