Suruhanjaya Tenaga (ST) - the Malaysian energy regulator - has a legislative remit to track energy performance among the 2,000 largest energy users in peninsular Malaysia and Sabah. ST operated a largely paper-based reporting system to fulfil its remit. It sought to reduce the administrative burden of implementing the system, to increase compliance and data quality, and to better stimulate energy efficient behaviour among industry.
The United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) had been assisting ST in a number of areas and appointed Byrne Ó Cléirigh to advise ST on the development of the system. We:
- Reviewed the existing business processes and reporting system used by ST to track, record and analyse energy data from facilities that consume more than 3 GWh of electricity per annum.
- Advised ST on international best practice approaches to monitoring and reporting energy data, and tracking energy performance, across sectors.
- Facilitated stakeholder engagement with representatives from large industry, trade associations, government departments, government agencies, the regulator, UNIDO and the United Nations Development Programme. The objectives were to elicit feedback on the existing system and to develop ideas for a new approach.
- Identified and evaluated options for ST to develop a new online system to replace the existing administratively-intensive system.
We documented our findings and recommendations, as well as the key tasks required to progress the project. The proposed approach will deliver benefits for both ST (in terms of compliance, data quality, etc.) and the industrial users of the system (reduced cost of compliance, catalyst for better energy management, etc.).