The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) wished to determine the potential for combined heat and power (CHP) in the context of the Irish Government’s Energy White Paper targets of 400 MW by 2010 and 800 MW by 2020. At the end of 2008, the installed capacity was just under 300 MW.
SEAI appointed Byrne Ó Cléirigh to undertake a study to assess the potential for future penetration of the technology into the market, taking into consideration the various barriers to its uptake. Our work included:
- A bottom-up survey of industrial and commercial sites with installed CHP technology.
- Stakeholder consultation to elicit the views of industry representatives and operators of CHP sites on the technology.
- Assessment of the status of CHP in Ireland in the context of changes in the fuel mix and the sectors employing the technology.
- Review of previously-identified barriers to deployment and reassessment of their potential impact in the context of current market conditions.
- Identification of 'new' barriers facing the industry.
- Assessment of the supports available to improve the uptake of the technology.
- Quantification of the prospects for installed capacity on a sectoral basis out to 2020, under three growth scenarios.
- Development of recommendations for assisting in the future uptake of CHP, with specific recommendations for the industrial, commercial and residential sectors.
Our findings are published in Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Potential in Ireland.